Yash Ahire

About Candidate

3+ years of experience in Manual, API Testing using POSTMAN and AutomationTesting using
Selenium, Appium, Maven, Jenkins
Extensive working experience on all phases of
Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC)
methodologies such as
Domain Knowledge of HealthCare Domain and Finance Domain.
Experience in Webservice and API Testing using
POSTMAN & Thunder client


BBM 2017 - 2020
MIT ACS College - Pune
LLB 2020 - Present
DY Patil, Law College - Pune

Work & Experience

Software Test Engineer Dec 2020 - May 2023
ScriptBuild Software Pvt Ltd

Responsible for writing and maintain Selenium Web Driver scripts for regression & functional testing using Data Driven Framework . Developed test code in Java language using Eclipse IDE & TestNGFramework . Created Test cases using Element locators and selenium WebDriver methods. Used the XPath of the web elements for Java development. API Testing using POSTMAN Involve in Test Scenario Identification, Test case design, Test case review,Test case execution, Defect tracking and reporting . Expertise in end-to-end automation development and testing of web basedapplications.

Senior Software Test Engineer May 2023
BinarySphere online Service Pvt Ltd

Proficient in Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver Tool & Appium. Experience in the development of Data driven, Page Object Model,Hybrid Automation frameworks in Selenium. Maintained the Selenium & JAVA automation code and resources in sourcecontrols like Bitbucket over the time for improvements and new features. Experience on Automation of Cucumber Feature file using Selenium. Good experience in creating, modifying, and enhancing both manual Testcases and Test Scripts Experienced in all phases of STLC with expertise in the Integration &Functional, Database, User Interface, Regression testing &, SanityTesting, Smoke Testing . Experience in Webservice & API Testing using POSTMAN & Thunder client.

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