Mohamed Nasr Abd Alazim
About Candidate
Highly skilled and experienced more than 6+ years as GIS Specialist with a strong background in utilizing advanced geospatial technologies and software to manage, and visualize spatial data. Proficient in mapping techniques, satellite imagery analysis, and data modeling to identify trends, patterns, and relationships. having extensive field expertise Based on building drawings, field data, all relevant geodatabases, and Produce Quality reports, Adept in creating accurate and detailed digital maps and geospatial visualizations to support informed decision-making processes, Collaborative team member with a strong background in geography, geospatial analysis, and computer science
Bachelor of Arts - BA, Geographic Information Science and Cartography
Work & Experience
•Pavement Maintenance Management System Project (Quality Control Data & Create and Editing for layers (Sections - Intersections - Lanes - Sample Lanes - Basemap - Sidewalks – Regions) •Clients: Aramco – Amanat al Riyadh – Amanat Al Dammam - Amanat Al Madinah •Inara Project: Adding clear points to all lighting poles and electricity cabins on all roads and clarifying their condition for maintenance through Orbit GT 3DM •Client: Amanat al Riyadh •Flood drainage Network Project: Editing and Create all Data for Riyadh City (MANHOLE - PUMPS - CONTROL_3RD_CLASS - CONTROL_2ND_CLASS - CATCHBASIN - PIPELINES - OUTLETS - PUMPS_ROOMS - WATER_TANKS - MUNIC) - network analysis for best locations for WATER_TANKS •Client: Amanat al Riyadh
•Digital Maps Production for New Cairo Mobile Application (EGIPA New Cairo) and October Mobile Application (EGIPA October) •Drawing and Updating Streets of Palestine for “Google Map” •Drawing and Updating Streets of Apple Maps •Client: Apple •Boundary Project: in Some African Countries (Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Eritrea and Democratic for “Google Map” •Landmark Project: (POI Project), Governorates of Egypt, Using Google Map, Importing the Landmark •Data and Converting it to KML on (ArcGIS Map – QGIS) and Distributing the Classes & Quality Control Tasks •Client: Amazon •Hotels of Egypt Task: on (ArcGIS Map – QGIS), Drawing Footprint, Parcel and Data Entry •Supervising the Entire Task, following up on the Team, Reviewing Errors, and Preparing Task Sheets
•Al Dakhlia Project: Drew Sections in Terms of Roads, Buildings and Elevations •Drew Parcels of the Agricultural Space in the Eastern Delta •Extract all Points Containing Data from Google Maps and Export them to ArcGIS •Georeferenced Work on Field Inventory Maps •Prepared input data for various models and post-processing model output to create visual materials •Client: Ministry of Interior
Time Working while studying for 6 months Editing - New Create - Geocoding – Surveying •Created a database at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt •Conducted a field Survey of Some Areas in Cairo and Giza •Signed the Inventory on the Paper Maps and then entered them into the database on the ArcGIS •Worked on A Population Census Project •Drew the new administrative borders of Egypt's governorates •Drew buildings and roads in some cities and introduced agricultural holdings
HD Maps Project Quality Control Data & Create and Editing for layers (Road Centerline - Middle Island - Curbs - Lane Boundary - Road Limit - Roadblock – Railway - Buildings Footprint)
•Creating special Documents for several projects, including the Data Mall 360 project and geodatabase projects •Creating Geodatabase with all layers ( Roads - Buildings - Sidewalks - Landscape - POI) for Mall360 •Creating Geodatabase with all layers ( Roads - Buildings - Sidewalks - Landscape - POI) for The Palm Mall •Using Google Map, Importing the Landmark Data and Converting it to KML on (ArcGIS Map – QGIS) and Distributing the Classes & Quality Control Tasks •Preparing every project with Metadata - Symbology - Labeling •Digitizing - Editing and Create 3D Modeling with ArcGIS Pro for Mall360 •Extracting Special Layouts for the 2024 Kuwait elections