Malikrehan Mulla

About Candidate


Master of computer application 2015.
KLS Gogte institute of technology

Work & Experience

Support Engineer June 2015 - - July 2016
Associate System Engineer July 2016 - April 2017

Performed Security controls testing of critical applications against AUP (AUP –Agreed Upon Procedures, a custom framework based on COBIT) ✓ Reported Security & Compliance updates to the client/stakeholders monthly ✓ Conducted Training & Awareness workshops on Information Security for personnel. ✓ Complete user ID management including Creation, Modification and Deletion. ✓ Completed technical reviews of existing systems and suggested updates or changes. ✓ Streamlined troubleshooting processes to improve system support and enhance communication between support team and end-users

Associate Manager Security April 2017 – - March 2023

Handled the key responsibilities by executing and reviewing controls which were part of SOC requirements as part of IT infrastructure support. ✓ Identified the challenges and presented the solutions to overcome the blockers in compliance service meetings with client. ✓ Worked to identify IT risks associated with deployments and mitigate those by implementation of controls. ✓ Responsible for providing walkthroughs for key controls to the Internal & External Auditors and answering any queries that follow. ✓ Experience in defining controls to strengthen the process in terms of CIA. ✓ Substantial testing was performed on specific controls such as IT Segregation of Duties (SOD analysis), Quarterly and Full Access Reviews, and Change Management. ✓ Have identified non-production environments hosting production data and made it more secure by implementing relevant controls

Senior Consultant March 2023 - Present

Coordinate effectively and efficiently with the Engagement manager and the client management keeping both constantly updated regarding project’s progress. Collaborate with other members of the engagement team to plan the engagement and develop relevant workpapers/deliverables. ✓ Partner with pre-sales and delivery teams across vertical for RFP/RFI responses to potential customers. ✓ Prepare the accounts to face SOC1/SOC2 attestations by conducting GAP assessments. ✓ Perform testing of IT Application Controls, IT General Controls review covering areas such as Change Management, Access Management, Backup Management, Incident and Problem Management, Data Migration, Batch Job scheduling/monitoring and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. ✓ Perform Risk Assessment, identification, and Evaluation of Controls, prepare process flow diagrams and document the same in Risk & Control Matrix. ✓ Prepare/Review of Policies, Procedures, SOPs. ✓ Maintain relationships with client management and the project Manager to manage expectations of service, including work products, timing, and deliverables.

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