Dipak Sapkale
About Candidate
Having Experience in automation testing using Selenium WebDriver. Goodexposure on preparing automation Testscripts for integration and regression tests. Proficientinidentifying webelements using differenttypes oflocators and performing action on web based application. Expertise onfetching andwriting data into Excel Sheet using Apache POI. Knowledge on fetching data from Property file. Stronginhandling frames, dropdowns andpop-ups using selenium Web Driver. Experienced working withMouse &Keyboard operations using Actions class. Utilized TestNG Annotations and Created reports. Experience inHybrid framework using Page Factory, Generic library, TestNG XML file andTestNGclasses. KnowledgeinBuild testing tool like Maven and Maven LifeCycle. Eager andquick inlearning new technologies andtools. Professional,organized,focused and committed. Demonstratedability tolearn quickly andadapt to new environments. |
B pharmacy
North Maharashtra University Jalgaon.
Work & Experience
Quality Assurance Engineer
12th 2019 - till date
Marzer Technologies Pvt Ltd,