Dipak Sapkale

16 January 1994

About Candidate

 Having Experience in automation testing using Selenium WebDriver.
 Goodexposure on preparing automation Testscripts for integration and regression tests.
 Proficientinidentifying webelements using differenttypes oflocators and performing action on
web based application.
 Expertise onfetching andwriting data into Excel Sheet using Apache POI.
 Knowledge on fetching data from Property file.
 Stronginhandling frames, dropdowns andpop-ups using selenium Web Driver.
 Experienced working withMouse &Keyboard operations using Actions class.
 Utilized TestNG Annotations and Created reports.
 Experience inHybrid framework using Page Factory, Generic library, TestNG XML file andTestNGclasses.
 KnowledgeinBuild testing tool like Maven and Maven LifeCycle.
 Eager andquick inlearning new technologies andtools.
 Professional,organized,focused and committed.
 Demonstratedability tolearn quickly andadapt to new environments.


B pharmacy
North Maharashtra University Jalgaon.

Work & Experience

Quality Assurance Engineer 12th 2019 - till date
Marzer Technologies Pvt Ltd,

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