B Pavan Kumar

About Candidate


10th 2017
Kendriya vidyalaya
Intermediate 2019
Sri chaitanya junior college
Bachelor of technology 2023
Lendi institute of engineering and technology

Work & Experience

Android application penetration testing intern August 2023 - September 2023

I have done a project based on android application penetration testing to find vulnerabilities in the android application and to make report based on vulnerabilities found Experience working with Unix/Linux, Windows or macOS environments, distributed systems, machine learning, information retrieval and TCP/IP

Python developer intern 04 August 2023 - Present
Rivan solutions

done a project Developed a python program on website scrapping using requests and beautifulsoup4 and storing into database done a project on multiple pdf's data scrapping and to store the data into a csv file using pandas done a project using fastapi with CRUD operations and database clinical API development project is to scrapping 6 lakh data from clinical application Solve challenges/problems that you are presented with. Contribute to a wide variety of projects utilizing natural language processing, artificial intelligence, data compression, machine learning, and search technologies

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