About Candidate


Bachelor’s degree in ELECTRONICS& ELECTRICAL 2016
The University of Lahore

Work & Experience

Network Engineer November 2016 – - December 2018
CyberSecurity Specialist APRIL 2019 - October 2020

Involved in OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability Assessment of various web applications and Web services, Conducted Dynamic and Static mobile Application Security Testing (SAST & DAST), Develop information security policy, process and PT procedures. • Conducted application penetration testing of 50+ business applications Acquainted with various approaches to Grey & Black box security testing Proficient in understanding application-level vulnerabilities • Worked in resolving issues related to Trend Micro's Deep Security Antivirus solution for comprehensive endpoint protection. • Troubleshooting various issues related to Trend Micro solutions, including DDWI Web and DDIE Email Security.

Penetration Tester Nov 2021 - TILL DATE

Conducting Penetration testing to ensure that the company knows as much as possible, as quickly as possible about security vulnerabilities. Write comprehensive reports including assessment-based findings, outcomes and Recommendations for further system security enhancement. • Performed OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability Assessment of various internet-facing point of sale web applications • Conducted Dynamic and Static mobile Application Security Testing • Skilled using Burp Suite, Acunetix Automatic Scanner, NMAP for web application penetration tests. • Identified and prioritized vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact. • Conducted Web application assessments on Deixis, Cortex, Branch PIN, swift, Citrix, Internet banking, and other financial applications. • Evaluated risks associated with identified vulnerabilities and provided mitigation recommendations. • Ensured compliance with regulatory standards such as PCI DSS, SAMA, and other regulations. • Conducted assessments on mobile banking Applications. • Collaborated with IT teams to deploy timely security patches and updates. • Documented findings, assessments, and recommendations in a tracking register.

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