Umang Shekhar
About Candidate
Cybersecurity junior with a fervent interest in offensive security, penetration testing, and red teaming. Actively honing ethical hacking skills through a combination of hands-on projects, participation in Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, and pursuit of relevant certifications. Currently ranked in the top 2% globally on Try Hack Me.
Work & Experience
Leadingateamof12members,providingguidance,trainingandmentorshiptoenhancetheirskills.– SpearheadedthemeticuloussetupandoptimizationofacomprehensiveActiveDirectory environment. Expertly configuredandmeticulously maintained firewalls and routers, ensuring an ironclad and resilient network infrastructure.– Skillfully orchestrated four engaging Cybersecurity events, culminating in delivering a compelling technical speech to an impressive audience of over 300 attendees, demonstrating mastery in cybersecurity concepts and practices.– Developedandguidedthecreationofnumerousautomationtools,includingPETO(apenetrationtestingautomationtool), aWhatsAppbotforenhancingWhatsAppgroupsecurity,Ubuntuserverconfigurationscripts, a simple C2 server, an image encryption and decryption tool, a key logger, and a myriad of other innovative solutions.
Conductedsecurityassessmentsandvulnerability testing on a variety of web applications for multiple clients.– Identifiedandreportedsecurity vulnerabilities, including XSS, SQL injection, and IDOR, to relevant stakeholders, adhering to responsible disclosure practices.– LeveragedtoolsandtechniquessuchasBurpSuiteandcustomscriptstouncovervulnerabilities and validate findings. Documentedallmyfindingsindetailvulnerability reports. Maintained confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information throughout the testing process.
As a threat intel intern I read the latest threat intel reports and make the simulation of the attacks made by the APTs in the wild. Making the attacks and simulating them .